Pfadnavigation Startseite Blog Blog News (-) Lösungen Events (-) Awards Innovation VGP wins 3x GOLD 23/09/2024 Discover how we support our customers’ success P&G recognizes VGP with External Business Partner Excellence Award 19/02/2024 Award-winning work VS Pack 2023 in Cognac, let's Connect! Di., 5/12/2023 - 09:00 Do., 7/12/2023 - 18:00 Eco-designed packaging solutions for cognac brands. Be inspired by the success stories of our customers at Booth C9. VGP wins European Carton Excellence Awards with eco-friendly packaging 22/09/2023 How we successfully guide our customers in the transition towards reusable and recyclable packaging. Edition Spéciale by Luxe Pack 2023 Mi., 7/06/2023 - 09:00 Do., 8/06/2023 - 18:00 Eco-designed packaging solutions for premium brands. Reusability, reducibility, recyclability. Be inspired by the success stories of our customers at Booth D13. A sparkling start to 2023 for Van Genechten Packaging 27/01/2023 Reusable, recyclable, remarkable VGP’s production site in Riga reduces emissions by a further 17% 29/11/2022 Continued reduction of CO2 confirms commitment Van Genechten Packaging treibt Nachhaltig­keit für Kosmetik­verpack­ungen 28/09/2022 VGP ermöglicht das Einsparen der Folienverpackung Ein Hattrick für VGP: 3-fache Auszeich­nung bei den European Carton Excellence Awards 19/09/2022 Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation Seitennummerierung Aktuelle Seite 1 Seite 2 Seite 3 Seite 4 Seite 5 Nächste Seite Letzte Seite Last
VS Pack 2023 in Cognac, let's Connect! Di., 5/12/2023 - 09:00 Do., 7/12/2023 - 18:00 Eco-designed packaging solutions for cognac brands. Be inspired by the success stories of our customers at Booth C9.
VGP wins European Carton Excellence Awards with eco-friendly packaging 22/09/2023 How we successfully guide our customers in the transition towards reusable and recyclable packaging.
Edition Spéciale by Luxe Pack 2023 Mi., 7/06/2023 - 09:00 Do., 8/06/2023 - 18:00 Eco-designed packaging solutions for premium brands. Reusability, reducibility, recyclability. Be inspired by the success stories of our customers at Booth D13.
VGP’s production site in Riga reduces emissions by a further 17% 29/11/2022 Continued reduction of CO2 confirms commitment
Van Genechten Packaging treibt Nachhaltig­keit für Kosmetik­verpack­ungen 28/09/2022 VGP ermöglicht das Einsparen der Folienverpackung
Ein Hattrick für VGP: 3-fache Auszeich­nung bei den European Carton Excellence Awards 19/09/2022 Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation