Climate Neutral Certification for VGP's Angoulême site
Turnhout, December 16, 2020 | Van Genechten Packaging (VGP) is very proud to announce that its production site in Angoulême, France, has been awarded Climate Neutral certification.
The demand for sustainable packaging in the premium products industry has been growing exponentially. Over the last 3 years, VGP has made a number of substantial investments towards increasing sustainability, and VG Angoulême is especially focused on creative and sustainable premium drinks packaging.
An alliance between premium packaging and the environment
Creative packaging solutions for a premium product are an absolute added value. In addition, VGP helps customers decrease their own carbon footprint by calculating the carbon footprint of their packaging. So, by offering creative solutions that preserve the environment, VG Angoulême provides its customers with premium packaging solutions that answer both commercial and environmental needs.
Meeting the growing demand for sustainability
Each year, the company monitors its progress on its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. In addition, the Angoulême site offsets unavoidable emissions by supporting a ClimatePartner project that helps people in other parts of the world enjoy better living conditions, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the climate.
Offering environmentally-friendly packaging solutions is part of VGP’s DNA. The sum of all of its climate initiatives contributes to a clear competitive advantage and enables the company to be part of the sustainability strategies of its customers as well.
“I believe times like these really make an organization show its true attitude,” says Prof. Dr. Frank Ohle, VGP’s CEO. “You need to decide whether to settle for a short-term reaction or to go for your long-term vision. Even as we strive to keep everyone safe during this global pandemic, we’re working on our sustainability goals. I’m very proud to say that, in the midst of these challenging times, we’re inventing even smarter packaging solutions and innovating to further improve our eco-footprint.”
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