A personal message from our CEO
There is a lot to learn when you're faced with very demanding challenges, don't you think so?
I believe times like these really make an organization show its true attitude. Do you go for a short-term reaction, or do you hold on to your long-term vision? Quick compromise or faithful to your goals? Choosing fiercer competition or opting for even closer cooperation?
As a privately-owned company, we focus on driving business, of course, but always with our customers and our people in mind, together with our responsibility towards society. Because we have always worked according to the strictest safety and hygiene standards, we are handling COVID-19 confidently now as part of our daily operations.
This enables us to not lose sight of equally important goals, like sustainability. Better even, we are innovating to further improve our eco footprint, inventing even sharper packaging solutions and increasing capacity where and how the market requires.
The market highly values the way we collaborate and work closely with our customers to support them as much as we can.
Got a packaging challenge? Don't hesitate to challenge our VGP teams. Do get into contact with our people. They love what they do, and they are experienced and creative listeners.
Stay safe and strong!
Prof. Dr. Frank OHLE
Chief Executive Officer
October 5, 2020