

Seeing is believing

So good to see you here. I’m honoured, truly, that you would come and find out what your career at Van Genechten Packaging would look like. I’m sure you’ll find out about the job here, the skills, the duties, you know, the working conditions. Wherever you live.

Be part of a team that creates and delivers the magic of packaging, making life more worth living. A world without the beauty of sustainable and creative packaging can no longer be imagined today because it makes our life so convenient and enjoyable.

The magic of packaging! How do we go from an idea, or a customer expectation, to an inspiring end product serving so many people and making brands shine? Every day, our people and teams contribute their commitment and talents to simplifying and improving everyone’s quality of life. This has been our Mission for over 180 years. Be part of the ‘Magic in the Making’ and join us in creating a better world. You have to come and see for yourself. Be inspired by the packaging magic. Seeing is believing.”

– Frank Ohle, CEO Van Genechten Packaging

We're always looking for bright people to join our group. If you would like to work at Van Genechten Packaging, please contact:


Showing 10-18 of 27 jobs

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