VS Pack 2021
Parc des Expositions - Cognac - France - Stand C10
Event address
Espace 3000
Boulevard Oscar Planat
Extra remarks
Date: 07/09/2021 - 09/12/2021
Maximising your brand impact while minimising your carbon footprint
What another great edition of VS Pack!
We sincerely thank you for visiting our booth where you could uncover our sustainable packaging for premium drinks products .
We discussed so many interesting topics during the event.
- How our smart designs without plastics
give your customers exciting consumer experiences - How you can maximize your brand impact
while minimizing your carbon footprint - How we've been at the forefront of packaging innovation
since our foundation in 1834
Magical. Individual. Sustainable.
Do you have some ideas, or specific requests to improve your customers' experiences with our sustainable packaging? Just contact your nearest team via sales@vangenechten.com
We'd love to add a touch of Van Genechten Packaging magic to your already magical product.