FlatMap® wins the Swiss Packaging Award 2021
Press release - Oldenburg, 23rd August 2021
An eye-catching design and less plastic: FlatMap® (Modified Atmosphere Packaging) is the new packaging solution for sliced products and now the proud winner of the prestigious Swiss Packaging Award 2021 in the “Convenience” category. The Swiss fresh food packaging market is one of the world’s most demanding both in terms of quality and innovation!
Many packaging innovations stem from Switzerland before they are introduced to the global packaging world as brand-new solutions.
This latest award-winning packaging concept was developed by packaging specialist SEALPAC GmbH based in Oldenburg, Germany, in cooperation with its client, the Swiss meat producer Bigler AG Fleischwaren. The project also involved close cooperation with its technical partners, film manufacturer Buergofol GmbH based in Siegenburg, Germany, and the Kempten site of Belgian carton packaging specialist Van Genechten Packaging. As a resource-saving alternative, FlatMap® uses a carrier material that has a high renewable raw material content and offers plenty of space for communication on its printable cardboard surface. The new, innovative look ensures that products will attract maximum attention at the point of sale.
FlatMap® – secure and attractive packaging using the MAP process
The new packaging solution has been created specifically for sliced meats, cold cuts, cheese and even fish. The sliced food products are placed on a flat FSC-accredited paperboard carrier that has been coated with a Polymeric protective layer. This layer provides increased stability to the carrier board and acts as a reliable barrier against moisture, oxygen and the migration of fats and odours. The packaging is securely sealed in a protective atmosphere, thus extending the shelf life of the products. Any common PP films are suitable for the MAP process and can be used to seal the packaging. The consumer-friendly opening of the packaging is ensured by a peel tab that is easy to grab. This allows users to peel the top film completely away from the packaging and smoothly place it back over the product for storage after use. The particularly flat design of FlatMap® offers unique high-quality reclosability, which in turn enables products to be perfectly stored in the fridge without being repacked and keeps sliced products extremely fresh, right down to the final slice. All technically prepared SEALPAC A-series traysealers can apply the new FlatMap® System to seal sliced products reliably in manufacturing.
75% less plastic – 100% more attractive
FlatMap® offers outstanding possibilities in terms of branding, consumer information and presentation: The paperboard carrier is suitable for high-quality printing on both sides and offers plenty of space for product information and makes it ideal for branding and consumer communication. FlatMap® also offers various merchandising options for your products: hanging, standing or lying flat in your chiller cabinets. Another major benefit of the attention-grabbing FlatMap® system is its dramatic reduction of materials – compared to conventional MAP packaging, the solution uses up to 75 percent less plastic. The packaging also helps to improve the recycling process: Once the product has been removed, the peel tab can be used to easily peel the thin plastic liner off the cardboard so that all packaging components can be disposed of in their corresponding recycling bins.
A brand-new look, outstanding functionality, 75% less plastic and plenty of space for branding and consumer information – if you want to make the most of these benefits for your product too, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you!